Kellie Prinz

Current Company:

Watkins Insurance Group


Director of Finance & Operations

Education (SMU specific):

BS Political Science 1996

Career Background:

Business Operations Executive: 20-Year Career—leading Human Resources, Finance, and Facilities at Nintendo-owned video game studio with ~125 employees. Recently made the switch to do the same type of work at a locally owned independent insurance agency in Austin, Texas with ~150 employees.

What am I doing – describe your current role and objectives:

My main focus at Watkins is strategic financial management and operational efficiency. I am responsible for overseeing all financial activities, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, optimizing business operations processes, and contributing the to the overall growth and success of the agency. I report directly to the President and direct the Accounting, Human Resources, Information Technology, Facilties, and Technology Integration departments.

Connections trying to make:

General networking for recruiting, potential vendors, potential clients, best practices sharing, and job opportunities.