Isakson Watson

Current Company:

Scale Microgrids


Chief Commercial Officer

Education (SMU specific):

BBA in Financial Consulting & BA in Spanish (2010)

Career Background:

My career began in insurance and underwriting in London. Seeking a new perspective, I decided to attend law school. After graduating, I spent some time in commercial real estate before transitioning to the clean tech sector about ten years ago. Since then, I have dedicated my career to providing innovative energy alternatives to commercial and industrial customers who cannot meet their needs through traditional utilities. This involves developing and implementing advanced energy solutions, such as microgrids and distributed energy projects, that offer greater reliability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. By focusing on these cutting-edge technologies and applications, I aim to help businesses achieve their energy goals while contributing to a cleaner and more resilient energy future. This includes addressing increasingly volatile electric demand growth driven by the deployment of electric vehicle fleets, the explosion of data centers, the onshoring of manufacturing, and the automation of agriculture, among others. See my LinkedIn profile for specific details.

What am I doing – describe your current role and objectives:

I work on the commercialization of microgrid and other distributed energy projects by developing and implementing innovative financial and energy service offerings. My role encompasses all aspects of product development, including hardware, software, financial, and commercial elements. Additionally, I manage comprehensive legal and risk factors to ensure the financial success and sustainability of our business.

Connections trying to make:

Networking broadly