
Current Company:

OPW Commercial Services LLC



Education (SMU specific):

Bachelors Degree - Economics (2009)

Career Background:

Diverse background in sales and operations in distribution and real estate. Left distribution as VP of Sales for a subsidiary of Sysco Foods, spent time in strategic growth for Compass Real Estate before acquiring my first company in June 2023 (OPW Commercial Services).

What am I doing – describe your current role and objectives:

I currently own and operate OPW Commercial Services, a leading facilities maintenance business in Oklahoma and DFW specializing in snow removal/ice control, pressure washing and landscaping services. Currently focused on expansion via new markets and acquisitions. My wife is Assistant Director for Spirit Groups at SMU so we have been getting more and more involved in the SMU community over the last couple of years and look forward to growing and meeting new people!

Connections trying to make:

Hoping to connect with other SMU alumni so that we can all together lead the university into the next generation and continue the legacy that's been built while bringing new ideas for the future. I'm also passionate about connecting people that may not know each other so they can grow their circles.