SMU BAs in History, Political Science, and Philosophy
Career Background:
I attended Duke Law after graduating from SMU in 2016. I clerked for the Supreme Court of Texas after graduating from Duke, then worked for Jones Day Dallas for two years. I left JD to clerk for a federal judge in Mississippi for a year and now work remotely for the State of Louisiana from Dallas.
What am I doing – describe your current role and objectives:
I am a Deputy Solicitor General of Louisiana. I represent the state in federal appeals at the Fifth Circuit and Supreme Court. One of my friends from private practice is the new Solicitor General for the state and he asked me to help him get his office off the ground. I plan on working remotely from Dallas for a couple of years and then returning to private practice in Dallas.
Connections trying to make:
I would like to make more professional connections, specifically in the legal community. Meeting other professionals was much easier when I worked in an office, but has proven difficult with my remote job! My friend Kathleen Barbe (previously Thompson) suggested joining this group as a way to stay connected with fellow SMU grads.